Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Does your dream home improvement project have you scared to death? Don't know where to start? I'd like to help with a little FREE advice.

Where do I begin? I'd like to re-do the kitchen and add that additional bedroom and office, but I don't think I can afford a contractor. Can I do it myself? Yeah, I think so, but where do I start? I'd like to do some of the work myself, but I can't do the electrical. Do I need a permit? How do I get it? From whom? What will it cost? What do I need to submit? Where do I get plans? How am I going to find subcontractors? How do I keep from getting ripped off? Do I need a bunch of bids? How many? How do I get a loan? Do I need a lawyer? Any halfway sane person thinking about a remodel is asking themselves all these questions and many many more.

The idea of undertaking a renovation on your own is overwhelming. Who's gonna do the work? Who does what in what order? And on and on and on.

I think I can help. Times are tough, and people need help getting remodels and renovations done, so I offer you my help -- free for nothing. What!??! I'm Pat Morgan of First Street Builders and want to give you the benefit of my experience. But why is an experienced builder going to help me do my project and not get paid, you ask. That's an excellent question.

There are a number of reasons:
  1. It keeps me off the streets. You may have heard -- the building business is in the toilet. New projects for a builder/remodeler are few and far between. I'd like to use this time to be helping you with your project vs. sitting at home watching Oprah.
  2. I'll share my contacts and subcontractors with you. If you choose to use any of them, you're helping me keep them in business through this tough time so they'll be around to help me when the market recovers.
  3. I believe that I'm more likely to pick up jobs of my own if I'm busy in the industry. Activity begets activity. It keeps me in the mix and positioned for the next opportunity.
  4. Maybe it's corny, but I like to help people. It's the old karma thing about what goes around, comes around. God didn't put us here to be selfish and self-absorbed.
So, check me out. Look at my website and my profile. And call me or email about your dreams and your project so we can discuss it. I'd like to hear from you. Really.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You have hit the "nail on the head" with this blog. I totally agree with your approach to helping people. Times are tough for everyone and sharing useful information about the home building/remodeling indstry is great. Link Your House is another great resource for Home Technology so if any questions arise please feel free to contact us anytime


Nick McCulloch